Digital Leaders (This page is currently being updated)
The school has a group of children who are our digital leaders. We have Digital Leader Ambassadors who attend meetings at other schools throughout the area and Digital Leaders who work alongside our Ambassadors in school. They are committed to promoting E-Safety and helping children in school to use the computers and technology safely.
Our Digital Leader Ambassadors are : Abigail, Emily, Tilly, Sophie and Megan.
Our Digital Leaders are : Thomas, Megan, Jacob and Abbie .
These children have demonstrated that they are have excellent knowledge of E-Safety and they all enjoy working with computers. Amongst our digital leaders we have children who have very good coding skills and are excellent at producing presentations.
The digital leaders worked very hard last term to complete a series of challenges. In Autumn 1, the digital leaders completed the bronze challenge, which was to prepare and present an assembly introducing themselves, help teachers to set up their computing lessons throughout the school and create posters to go on a digital leaders display. In Autumn 2, the children completed the silver challenge, which required a lot more work. They ran their own multimedia club for children in Y3/4, which has been very popular. They also created two multimedia documents to raise awareness of how to use YouTube safely and about Anti-bullying week. The children then presented these in different assemblies. They used audio clips and videos in their multimedia documents, as well as text, pictures, animations and transitions. The children have taken to their new roles well and are wonderful ambassadors for the school.
Spring 1 - Check back soon for updates!