Calderbrook Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 9HW

01706 378556

Littleborough Community Primary School and Nursery

Bringing Out The Best In Every Child

Year 5 / 6 Autumn Term


During the Autumn term, we will be focusing on fiction texts. The writing will be based on; The Girl With the Lost Smile by Miranda Hart and Zoo by Anthony Browne . Additionally, alongside our writing lessons, the children will engage in SPaG lessons where they will learn new skills and practise existing skills they have learnt over the course of Lower Key Stage Two.


This half term a large majority of their guided reading sessions will be based around Holes. They will also be given the opportunity to study non-fiction and poetry. Many of the non fiction texts will be focused on the Mayan Civilisation (History) and Classification which links to our Science curriculum.


We will revise and extend the children’s knowledge of phonics and spelling strategies. As the children progress through the various stages, they will look at common letter strings (affixes: prefixes, suffixes), stressed and unstressed vowels and the background to the words (etymology). Each week the children will study a new set of spellings in class before learning them ready for a test the following week.



In the Autumn Term we focus primarily on Number. We will be focusing on the following units this term:

  • Number: Number and Place Value
  • Number: Addition and Subtraction
  • Number: Multiplication and Division
  • Number: Fractions


The children will complete one science topic during Autumn term one – ‘Living things and their habitats’. At the beginning of this topic, the children will learn about the classification system for living things, studying an influential scientist (Carl Linneaus) and finding out about their work.

During Autumn two, the children will learn about the circulatory system where they will look in detail about their heart and how to keep it healthy.


History and Geography

During this term, we will be studying the Ancient Mayan Civilisation and in Geography we will be learning about where our energy comes from. 


P.E. (Physical Education)

EdStart support us in delivering our PE Curriculum. We have a focus on physical exercise, keeping ourselves fit and healthy, understanding the importance of warming up, stretching and cooling down and learning the integral skills in invasion games.  Children are required to wear the correct school PE uniform, have long hair tied up and jewellery removed and earrings also removed or covered.


P.S.H.R.E. (Personal, Social, Health, Relationships and Economics education)

Alongside our PSHRE curriculum, we are teaching the children how to look after themselves, how to be safe and recognise dangers and hazards as well as learning about ourselves and others. We will be using ‘My Happy Mind’ and we are very excited about this new programme.



This term, we are starting with our E-safety topic during this we will look closely at self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, managing online information and health, wellbeing and lifestyle and privacy and security.



Within our Spanish lessons, we will recap greetings and numbers whilst moving on to learning about colours and shapes.


Art and Design

This term, we will be thinking about ‘Making my voice heard’ where the children will explore different techniques to explore light and shade.


Design Technology

During DT, the children will design and create a playground structure.



Spanish is new to the curriculum this year. We will be starting with a basic introduction to the language.



Homework will consist of Maths, SPAG or reading and spellings.