Year 5 Summer Term
This term the children will start by looking at the poem ‘The Highway Man’. We will then create our own poems based on this narrative poem. Additionally, we will then write another narrative. Alongside this, we continue to practise and embed our grammatical skills. This will of course enhance our writing. During each unit of work, there will be opportunities to complete mini tasks that are spelling, punctuation, word and grammar related.
Shared reading
This term we will continue to read the fiction book, ‘Who Let the Gods Out’ which will focus on the children’s inference and deduction skills. This book does include some challenging vocabulary which we will discuss and encourage the children to use during their own writing when appropriate. Later on in the term we will start reading ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ which is a classic text.
Where possible, please listen to your child read at home, to encourage them to gain confidence when reading and develop their fluency and pace. Please ensure that you discuss with your child the meanings of words and phrases and explore other words, which have the same meaning. This will help to develop not only their reading and comprehension skills but also their writing
The Maths lessons will focus on geometry and angles. During the start of the term, we will focus on calculating angles, parallel and perpendicular lines. We will also be learning how to measure angles using a protractor.
We will also look at converting between different units of measure cm/mm/m etc. and have a focus on converting between 12hr/24hr time. Telling the time is an important skill for all children and we are now looking at extending that skill and are asking the children to calculate time. Please continue this skill at home and encouraging your children to read a variety of different clocks.
Times Table Rockstars is a program that we follow in school. We are encouraging the children to 'Beat the Teacher' where they have the opportunity to beat a teacher and be celebrated for it.
In Science, we will be starting with the topic ‘Living Things and their habitats’. This links closely to an earlier topic where the children looked at the changes in humans, as they grow older. During this unit the children will be looking at the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird and describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.
We will then move onto looking at Animals including humans and the different stages of the human lifecycle in more detail.
We will continue with our unit on the Tudors, culminating in a visit to Turton Tower to further enhance our learning and understanding of this time period.
In Geography, we will be looking at the Alps, where they are located and the climate that is found there. This will include focussing of specific Alpine locations and understanding different maps: geographic and topographic. We will recap our vocabulary learnt previously when looking at biomes and then will look at the formation of mountains in the Alps region.
If you have any books or resources you wish to share with us, please send them in. We promise to look after them.
We will be introducing the children to a video unit this term where they will design and create their own video. In addition to this, the children will be learning how to code microbits. They will learn about microbits – what they are and how they can be used before looking at different coding programs and the similarities and differences between them.
This half term we will be learning about different religions and pose the question ‘Why do some people believe God exists?’
In art, we will be thinking about futuristic art and looking specifically at the theme ‘space’. We will be exploring the purpose and impact of images from the ‘space race’ era of the 1950’s and 1960’s combining drawing and collagraph printmaking to create a futuristic image.
We will continue to learn Spanish, consolidating the greetings we learnt last term and moving on to Spanish numbers and ages. This is mainly conversational where children will learn how to pronounce the different accents and putting these together in a short phrase.
This term we will continue to have Edstart running the PE lessons. For the first half term, the children will be doing Athletics and during the second half term, they will take part in striking and fielding lessons.
PE sessions are on a Tuesday for 5EG and Friday for 5GJ. Please ensure your child comes dressed in their PE kit on this day and have suitable footwear and clothing for outside PE.
Also, the children will be completing Bikeability and will require the correct clothing for the weather.
As with all school days, children are expected to bring a water bottle with them, have their hair tied up and no sign of jewellery. This is imperative for the safety of themselves and others.