Year 5 Spring Term
This term, the children will be preparing to write their own narrative based on the story/poem ‘Beowulf’. The children will build on previous skills by practising their oral skills by retelling stories and completing drama activities. They will be immersed in a wealth of vocabulary and apply existing skills whilst developing their writing and deepening their ideas by using a range of styles to really enhance the reader’s experience. We will then learn the features of a balanced argument with a focus on animals in captivity, namely zoos.
Shared reading
This term, shared reading will be based on the text ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe'. During the week, we will focus on developing their ability to draw inferences, find evidence to support their answers and to summarise. Where possible, please listen to your child read at home, to encourage them to gain confidence when reading and develop their fluency and pace. This can start conversations which can enable the children to better understand the characters they are reading about further understand the plot and authorial intentions.
The children will have a huge focus on factions, decimals and percentages this half term. This includes finding fractions of a number and shape, multiplying whole numbers by fractions, ordering fractions with a common denominator and understanding how to convert between mixed and improper fractions,
Times Table Rockstars is a program that we follow in school. The children have their username and password so that they can practice regularly. We are encouraging the children to 'Beat the Teacher' where they have the opportunity to beat a teacher and be celebrated for it.
In Science we are looking at materials. The children will conduct experiments to investigate why products are made out of certain materials and how different materials react together.
Our work this half term will be focused on population and how and why it changes. We will begin by researching global population and the terminology ‘global density’. This will then move focus to the UK and how the population has diversified over time.
Our History learning will focus on the Tudors. We will look at different areas within this unit: Henry the VIII and make inferences about his leadership, life in Tudor times and looking in more detail about why Henry VIII had so many wives and why were some beheaded. We will also visit Turton Tower as part of this unit.
We will be learning how to appraise and create podcasts as well as developing our own computer game looking at algorithms and different programmes. .
This half term we will be learning about different religions and pose the question: ‘If God is all around, do we need a place of worship?’ This will enable the children to look in more detail about the religions and reflect on their own and others’ belief systems.
Games / PE
EdStart will continue the PE sessions for the children and this half term they will focus on Gymnastics.
The children will be looking at mechanisms in DT and create a pop up book for a younger audience. They will appraise a range of styles before designing and then creating their own based on a famous nursery rhyme.