Calderbrook Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 9HW

01706 378556

Littleborough Community Primary School and Nursery

Bringing Out The Best In Every Child

Year 4 Autumn Term

English and Reading 

This term in English, we will be completing work based on ‘The Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We will write our own version of this story, which we are very excited about. Within this unit of work, the children will learn a range of grammatical structures to help them to become more confident writers. These spelling and grammatical elements of writing will be looked at regularly through SPaG activities.

We will then move onto non-fiction work; explanation text. Throughout this work, the children will learn the features of an explanation text and which elements are necessary in order to be successful. This unit of work will explain how a robot dog works.

Within the second half term, we will be reading and writing poetry, which relates to thinking about remembrance. 

During the first half term, Year 4 will look closely at the author Sam Copeland and his book ‘Charlie Changes into a Chicken’. This book will support our PSHRE curriculum.

Reading is imperative and understanding what we are reading ensures we gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of the world around us. Over the course of the year, the children will be learning about the different questions types they will face and how best to answer them.


We will be continuing our work using Power Maths and enabling the children to become confident using their mathematical knowledge and understanding in a range of contexts.

The Maths lessons will continue to build on the children’s understanding of number, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and problem solving.  They will be focusing on more formal written methods of multiplication and division in particular, as well as honing their mental arithmetic strategies. 

Due to the online Timetables Test, a heavy emphasis will be placed upon learning the rest of the times tables up to 12 x 12. Plus they will be revisiting the times tables they have learnt before in a fun and challenging manner. It is a good idea to use a range of web based games as this will help the children when they have to sit the government multiplication and division assessment. It is imperative that the children become confident recalling their multiplication facts but also using the key pad to type in their answers as this is what is expected of them at the end of the year.

Times Table Rockstars is a program that we follow in school. The children will receive their username and password shortly so that they can practice regularly. We are encouraging the children to 'Beat the Teacher' where they have the opportunity to beat a teacher and be celebrated for it.


In Science we are looking at the digestive system. We will emphasis links between the digestive system and leading a healthy lifestyle (PSHRE). The children will conduct experiments to investigate how the digestive system works and gain knowledge and understanding of each organ and its function. This will include looking at a balanced diet and also reinforcing the advantages of a healthy lifestyle through P.E. 


Our History topic this term is, ‘How hard is it to invade and settle in Britain?’ During this unit the children will learn about the time period and the impact the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings had on Britain. 

If you have any books or resources you wish to share with us, please send them in. We promise to look after them.


Our Geography topic this term is 'Why are rainforests important to us?'. We will start by looking at different biomes around the world, some of these being rainforest. Then, we will be looking at where to locate rainforests on a world map, labelling the layers of the rainforest and the features of each layer. Finally, we will be learning about the different tribes that live in certain rainforests around the world. 


This term we will be placing a huge focus on searching effectively. The children will learn about search engines and how to be specific when wanting to find the answer to a specific question and look carefully at the related answers. Children will learn about the reliability of the internet and how to check sources of evidence. During lessons, the children will continue to build on their word processing skills by editing and enhancing their text using a range of graphics. 


This half term we will be learning about how different religions celebrate different milestones and how people embark on a journey through their religion. This unit teaches the children the different facts about the different religions whilst also enabling them to reflect on their own belief systems.


During this term, ED Start will deliver the PE lessons and children will learn about the different elements of Physical Health whilst also participating in the different practical elements.

Both Classes will have their PE lesson on Monday so please send your child to school in their PE kit every Monday. 

PE kit is black shorts/leggings/jogging pants, white t-shirt and trainers. All long hair should be tied up and ear-rings should be removed or covered by tape.


To begin with, the classes will look at three themes that include; emotions, personal strengths and qualities and loss and change.