Year 3 Summer Term
This term the children will continue to study a variety of non - fiction and fiction genres. We will be looking at non chronological reports using the text Intriguing Animals by Ben Hoare. Using this text and a range of resources, the children will work towards constructing a report all about skeletons. The children will also explore and write stories and poetry. The children will be practising their oral skills by retelling stories and completing drama activities and will explore vocabulary, including the meaning of words and synonyms. They will also continue to develop their knowledge and use of a range of language features, including metaphors and personification.
The children will also take part in daily reading sessions which will focus on developing their ability to draw inferences, find evidence to support their answers and to summarise. It is important that they continue to read at home and should spend at least 10 minutes a day reading to an adult at home. Please ensure that you discuss with your child the meanings of words and phrases and explore other words which have the same meaning. This will help to develop not only their reading and comprehension skills but also their writing.
The Maths lessons will focus on fractions, time, angles and properties of shape, mass and capacity. An emphasis will be placed upon learning various times tables (the 3, 4 and 8) and the corresponding division facts. We will be recapping and building upon the children’s growing understanding of addition and subtraction, looking at the use of column method to add and subtract 3 digit numbers. The children will also be encouraged to use the ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ website to practise these skills both in school and for homework.
In science we will looking at 'Plants'. We will identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants:, explore the requirements of plants for life and growth and how they vary from plant to plant. We will investigate the way in which water is transported within plants, explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. . We will also explore the topic 'Animals including humans'. The children will classify animals in terms of vertebrates and invertebrates, animals with endoskeletons and those with an exoskeleton. We will explore the nutrients which different foods contain and we will be able to refer to these nutrients using the terms carbohydrates, sugars, protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre and fats. The children will learn that animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
This term the children will explore the question - Are all settlements the same? During this unit the children will locate cities in the UK and will identify settlements on aerial photographs and OS maps. They will explore the human and physical features in the local area and suggest reasons for their location and why these features have change over a period of time. They will explore land use in New Delhi and compare this with land use in their local area.
In History, the children will learn about the lives of children throughout history, including during the Tudor and Victorian times. They will use a range of sources to make deductions and raise questions. They will explore how Lord Shaftesbury changed children's lives.
We will be completing a unit on craft and design, during which the children will explore Ancient Egyptian art. The children will record colours, patterns and shapes through observational drawing, begin to experiment with drawing techniques. create a selection of sketches that show idea exploration and use colours and materials appropriately, showing an understanding of effective composition.
Design and Technology.
This term the children will be cooking. They will learn about the fruits and vegetables grown in different countries , how seasonal fruits and vegetables grow in a given season. and how eating seasonal fruit and vegetables positively affects the environment. Finally, they will design a tart recipe using seasonal ingredients.
During lessons, the children will learn about databases, including branching databases. They will learn how to search a database to answer a question, how to add information to a database and how to create a branching database. We will also be learning about digital images. The children will edit and modify digital images to create a given effect and will later use these images when presenting information to a specific audience. This term, the children will also use the skills they were taught during their topic on searching for information and images whilst developing presentations. During this unit, the children will use sound, text and images to create a powerpoint.
We will be exploring the question ‘What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today?’ We will explore how Christians spend their daily lives and why they follow certain rituals. We will also look into more detail at what happens at church, including Christian celebrations.
In Spanish this term, the children will learn how to count to 12, focussing on good pronunciation, how to say shapes and colours. They will begin to read and recognise descriptive phrases, learn how to say how old they are and will begin to recognise the verb have in first person present (Tengo). They will learn what a cognate is and suggest examples.
This term we will be involved in developing the skills around fielding and striking which involves developing ball control, throwing and catching with accuracy. They will use these skills when playing rounders and cricket. They will also continuing their swimming lessons and the children will be complete a unit around athletics.
This term, the children will begin by exploring what makes a community. They will also consider the question ‘Why should we eat well and look after our teeth?’ In this unit, we will learn about what makes a healthy diet, how to maintain good oral hygiene and the choices about food and drink. We will then learn more about keeping active and the importance of good sleep. We will look at the effects that exercise and sleep have on our bodies and our minds.