Year 2 Spring Term
Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation and Phonics
This spring term we cover Phase 6 phonics. This involves looking at different rules for adding suffixes and prefixes to root words. Weekly homework covers the spelling rule that is being taught in class each week. Those children that did not pass the phonics screening at the end of Year One will continue to practise their sounds and blending linked to the phase most appropriate for them.
Children should be practising the spelling of words that are sent home each week. These include Year 2 key words.
Year 2 common exception words list.
This term children will be writing biographies and diaries linked to famous people from the past; and also stories and non-fiction linked to space and even poetry. They will be encouraged to read through their writing to check that it makes sense. Children should be including plenty of detail and description in their writing and should extend their sentences using a variety of conjunctions (and, but, so, because, if, when, etc.). Children will be encouraged to include adjectives, verbs and adverbs and a variety of sentence openers. They will be using exclamation marks, question marks, commas in lists and inverted commas. There will also be an emphasis on presentation and handwriting, ensuring that all letters are formed correctly and they are correctly orientated. The children will also be given the opportunity to self-assess their work and edit it to make improvements.
In school, children will partake in Guided Reading sessions where the children will focus on predicting, building on prior knowledge, developing language skills, improving comprehension skills and scanning a text to locate information. To help embed the children’s reading skills and build confidence, we recommend that children read at home at least 10 minutes every day. This could be their school book or a book they enjoy to read at home. It is also important to ask your child questions about the text to ensure that they have understood what they have read. The more they read at home, the more they can progress through the book bands. Please see attached our list of recommended books for Year 2. These are all high-quality texts that have been chosen specifically for their suitability for children in Year 2.
This term we will be looking at; Addition and Subtraction, Shape, Money, Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Time. In Year 2 children are expected to;
Add and subtract two 2-digit numbers to 100 – 35 + 47 92 – 25
Find amounts of money and find the change
Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, 10 multiplication tables to solve simple problems, demonstrating an understanding of commutativity as necessary
Identify 1/3 ¼ ½ 2/4 ¾ and know that all parts must be equal parts of the whole (shapes & numbers)
Read the time on the clock to the nearest 15 minutes
See homework tasks set weekly for how you can support your children learning in maths.
We practise mental calculation daily and do ‘reasoning challenge of the day!’ We will continue to focus on problem solving and reasoning across all areas of the maths curriculum.
Click here to access this terms targets on their learning journey.
Our new topic is ‘How did we learn to fly?’ We will identify important events surrounding the history of flight, learning how they have changed the lives of others. We will ask questions and use primary resources to find out about people and events in the past.
This term's unit is called 'Why is our world wonderful?' The children will learn about some of the UK's amazing features and landmarks and some of the world's most fascinating places. They will name and locate the five oceans on a world map and understand the difference between oceans and seas. They will also learn about natural habitats and how we can look after them.
Science this term will be learning all about the uses of everyday materials where they will look and feel a range of materials and use scientific language to describe it properties – rough, opaque, translucent, transparent, flexible, waterproof etc.. They will then investigate which material are best suited for individual things – windows, bricks, mops etc.. See our knowledge organiser for further information and the key vocabulary we will cover.
RE (Religious Education)
Over the year Year 2 discover and explore the religious beliefs, traditions and customs linked to; Christians, Muslims and Jewish people. This spring term we are focusing on Judaism.
This term, we focus on Data retrieving and organising. Children will learn how to word process a piece text, including how to edit and amend it. They will also learn how to save, open and print a piece of work.
Our new unit is called ‘Map it out’. We will begin by investigating maps as a stimulus for drawing. We will then learn and apply the steps of the felt-making process before experimenting with a craft technique to develop an idea. Moving on, we will develop ideas and apply craft skills when printmaking.
Our unit of work is ‘Mechanisms. The children will explore pivots, levers and linkages before designing and making their own moving monster.
This term, we will look at different jobs that people do and how jobs help people earn money to buy the things they need and want. We will also look at how people use the internet and digital devices in their jobs and everyday life. The following unit will be ‘What helps us to stay safe?’ The focus will be on recognising risk and how rules and restrictions help to keep us safe.
Over the year the children will take part in gymnastics, team games, ball skills and dance. They will be developing their fine and gross motor skills, balancing and moving at different levels and linking movement together. The children will also practise working together in teams, listening to and supporting each other, and develop their ball skills. They will be practising using their listening skills during PE lessons in order to follow simple instructions and rules. They will learn the rules for a variety of warm-up games which they can then adapt and use on the playground during play times. Over the year the children will also be allocated PE sessions with outside coaches.
If you require any further information regarding the curriculum for Year 2 please speak to your child's class teacher.