Calderbrook Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 9HW

01706 378556

Littleborough Community Primary School and Nursery

Bringing Out The Best In Every Child

Year 1 Autumn Term

Welcome to year 1! We have a fantastic team this year with Mr Fielden teaching 1BF and Mrs Crabtree teaching 1CC; both classes will be supported by Mrs Bell and Mrs Robinson.



We follow the ELS Phonics scheme of work.  The children will develop their sound knowledge through a range of activities. Children will learn new graphemes each week and embed knowledge of these through reading words and sentences and applying into writing. At the start of each half term, a list of graphemes (phonics sounds) and vocabulary that will be taught over that half term will be sent home. The weeks will be numbered so you know which ones to practise that particular week.  The phonics screening test takes place in June. Please see these links for phonics games to support learning at home;


Throughout the term we will share a variety of texts linked to our topic ‘What is it like here?’ We will focus on writing labels, captions and simple sentences. The children will develop their writing by including conjunctions (and, but, because, so) and adjectives. The children will be encouraged to apply their phonic knowledge and begin to spell harder to read and spell words.


Children will take part in guided reading sessions. The main focus of the session is to teach children strategies for reading unknown words and to read with increasing fluency and pace.  It is also important the children understand what they are reading. Some sessions involve asking questions about the main events and characters from story and retelling the story. When children are not working in adult focussed groups they complete independent reading tasks, games or activities during this time. 

Children also have the opportunity to read their home reading book to a teacher, teaching assistant, student or volunteer. Their book and reading record will be sent home every night and should be returned to school every day. Please make sure reading records are signed when you have read with your child at home. We can then use this information to change books more frequently.  


The children will continue to work on the correct formation of letters; including descenders and ascenders, ensuring that the letters are placed correctly on the line. The children will have stand-alone handwriting sessions every week in order to practise their handwriting. As your child becomes more proficient, please encourage them to practise these skills when writing in their homework book. 


In maths this term we will begin by learning about place value.

Your child will learn how to:

  • Sort, count and represent objects.
  • Count forwards and backwards from any number to 10.
  • Compare groups using language such as equal, more / greater, less / fewer.
  • Compare and order numbers.
  • Add and subtract within 10.
  • Recognise and name 3D and 2D shapes.
  • Sort 2D and 3D shapes.
  • Make patterns with shapes.


Maths Learning Journey

Children have a copy of their Maths Autumn Learning Journey targets in their Learning Logs. These track and support individual progress in Maths and provide the children with personal targets.  Attainment against these targets are monitored and evaluated within school. Please also support your child in reaching these targets with regular practice at home.  We cannot stress enough how important these mental skills are for your child and how invaluable they will be to them when they move into Year 2.



Our topic this half term is ‘What is it like here?’.

The children will:

  • Locate three features on an aerial photograph of the school and know the name of the country and village, town or city in which they live.
  • Make a map of the classroom with four key features, using objects to represent the distance and direction of features in the classroom.
  • Recognise four features in the school grounds using a map.
  • Explain how they feel about three areas of the playground and find out how others feel by looking at the results of a survey.
  • Draw a design to improve three areas of the playground using the results from the survey.


Our topic this half term is ‘How am I making history?’. 

The children will:

  • Order three photographs correctly on a simple timeline; use the terms ‘before’ and ‘after’ when discussing their timelines.
  • Talk about three memories and place one of them on a timeline, explain why memories are special and name four events that they celebrate throughout the year.
  • Think of three ways they celebrate their birthday; ask a visitor one question about childhood in the past.
  • Know a similarity and a difference between childhood now and in the past; add three ideas to a time capsule about themselves.
  • Use key vocabulary to compare the present, the past and possible changes in the future.


Our topic this term is 'Animals, Including Humans'.

They will:

  • Identify how animals and humans are similar and different.
  • Compare the bodies of different animals.
  • Classify different animals.
  • Group animals according to what they eat.
  • Consider the needs of a pet.



This term the children will learn:

  • How to stay safe online.
  • What personal information is and not to share it with anyone online
  • That passwords are used to protect personal information and devices.
  • That robots are machines that can do tasks. Robots complete their tasks because they have been programmed to do so by humans: that is, we tell robots what to do.
  • That robots are given a set of instructions to solve a problem - this is called an algorithm.
  • The importance of following instructions correctly.
  • That buttons/keys on a robot provide an instruction when pressed.
  • How to control a floor turtle/ devise by inputting single instructions – forward, back, up, down and arrows pointing left and right (chn do not need to be able to differentiate left from right)
  • That the instructions given need to be clear – go forwards is not as clear as go forwards 1.
  • How to record simple routes prior to testing
  • How to plan and test their moves, recognizing that an error will be due to the code they have created.



In P.E. the children will be:

  • Developing their ability to perform basic skills of rolling, striking, kicking and gathering balls with more confidence
  • Showing an awareness of team mates and opponents when playing games.
  • Using the skills they have learnt when playing a variety of games.
  • Using a variety of simple tactics when playing games.
  • Throwing balls and beanbags at targets.


In R.E. we will be exploring Christianity.  We will discuss what Christians believe and what it means to belong to a faith or community.  We will consider how we should care for others and the world, and why it matters.


A homework book will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be completed and handed in by the date specified on the homework.  This will always be a Monday. This will give the teacher time to mark it and set new homework. The homework will consist of three tasks: practise spellings words containing the graphemes being taught, maths activity and an activity linked to another subject.


If you require any further information regarding the curriculum for Year 1 please speak to your child's class teacher.